5 Tips To Avoid Your Phone While Working
Are you one of those people that can’t seem to focus at work? You do your best to concentrate, but you aren’t able to follow the “No phones allowed” rule, and end up getting in trouble? If you’ve suffered through these awkward moments more than once, this article is for you
We’ve all been in a place where phones control our lives. Some of us might still be there. You get a notification or miss your phone for long hours. And when you finally find it, you start scrolling through social media, forgetting what you had to do in the first place. Even for a few seconds a day, that little action can get you in trouble at work. Once it's enough to disturb your train of thought and affect the task you were on.
It’s inevitable to check your phone while working. We've all done it. But if doing so is affecting your creativity at work, here are five tips to avoid looking at your phone while working.
Put it Away

The easiest and hardest action to take. Most people can't work without knowing where their phone is. And let’s be honest, if your job requires you to be on the phone all day, this is not the best option for you. Yet at the same time, it’s not impossible.
Most companies provide cellphones with the same purpose: to make job-related calls. But if you're already at the office, do you really need it? Try sending an email or using the office's phone to make a quick call. In-person meetings between coworkers at the office are also an option.
We know the pandemic limited everyone's communication options. But emails are also a professional way to communicate with clients and coworkers. Yet if you feel this is an impossible task, put your phone away in a place you can't see it while working. You will hear it ring if you need it, but the notifications on the screen won't distract you from your task.
You will notice the difference a few days later. You'll have more completed tasks and more time to relax once you're done.
Turn off the Ringer
If the company you work for has a “No phones allowed” policy, your phone's silent mode will become your best friend. Put your phone away and turn off the ringer. It's the easiest method to waste time in unnecessary calls or messages during work hours. Plus, it'll save you from an embarrassing ringtone playing during an important meeting.
It’s a small and easy step to help you keep your concentration during work. But what if you're waiting for an important call? Let them know in advance about your availability. That way you can be sure they'll call you during break hours or after you’re done for the day.
Don’t look for excuses to keep your phone ringing that would get you in trouble or cause stress. Screen addiction is hard to control. Your mind will create a thousand chaotic scenarios before you finally decide to turn the ringer off.
One of the most common reasons for this is a possible emergency. People feel like an emergency might happen while they're away from their phones. They worry they won't know about it on time or won’t be able to call for help. If this is your case, don’t panic. This feeling is normal. We all experience it when we’re away from our phones for too long, but there’s no need to desperate. There's always a solution.
Let your family and friends know about your work schedule and the “No phones allowed” policy. Then, give them a direct number of your workplace. That way, in case of an emergency, they can contact your company and someone can let you know of what is happening.
Let It Go To Voicemail

We receive thousands of calls a day or none at all. From all those calls, three are important and the rest are the spam robot calling you for your SSN. We all get them. They’re annoying but they’re enough to get the attention of your tasks and give you an excuse to check social media. And during those few minutes, you checked likes and notifications, you forgot what you were saying in that email to your boss.
If putting away your phone and turning off the ringer is not enough, let it go to voicemail. Allow people to know you’re busy sometimes. Being one call away it’s not a literal translation. You don’t spend all day on your phone waiting for someone to call. You work, you exercise, you eat, you sleep.
If the call is important, but you’re busy and can’t answer, that’s ok. You’re allowed to be busy. You’re not missing out. Let your calls go to voicemail if you feel like it would help you finish your tasks on time. Keep in mind that if someone needs to talk to you, they will leave a message or text so you can call them back
Set A Schedule

Schedules are good for everything, and that includes using your phone. They help you organize and stay on track for the day. Especially, if you need to save time. Setting a schedule can be your lifesaver if you’re not a mobile-friendly person at work and have no other option. Focus first on the busy tasks that you can do without your phone and set a time to do calls and text clients. Sometimes, one hour a day it’s enough to make calls and check for messages without disturbing your routine.
Be honest with yourself. Most of the time, the reason to check your phone is not work-related. In times like this, use your break time to answers as many texts as you want. You'll avoid trouble and remain creative during work. After a few days, you won't have to check your phone again away from lunch hours.
Important Tasks Only

And if all the above fail, set a time before or after tasks to focus only on activities you have to do with your phone. The secret is organization. Set healthy boundaries for yourself and others. If you feel like your phone is controlling your life, this will help lessen the charge. It will also help your ideas flow easier than before. Stop breaking your concentration from tasks to check notifications. As you follow these steps, you'll notice the difference in your routine. Enjoy the free time you have left to unplug and unwind!
Repeating these easy actions every day can help you create a habit in your life. You'll have the opportunity to create and explore new hobbies every day. Give it a try and set it down!