The Start of A New Era | Welcome to Set It Down

The Start of A New Era | Welcome to Set It Down

We consider this the start of a new era. And with every new era, a new movement is about to begin.

Welcome to the movement of Set It Down!

We got you covered with all your tech addictions issues. Let us give you a quick overview of Set It Down and what you can find.

First things first: head to this page to learn who we are, what we stand for, and how the movement started. You will also find some notes about our founder, Allie.

We believe in the power of unplugging and disconnecting, in order to reconnect with who we are and with the people around us.

Our favorite way to reconnect with other humans around us is through conversation starters.

What are conversation starters?

Conversation starters are meant to be icebreaker questions and can be used on any kind of occasion, such as catching up with old friends or even on a romantic date. Each week, we will provide you with some tough questions and we invite you to play around with anyone you'd like.

Try a few out, and then get our biggest collection of conversation starters, so that you'll always know how to fire up a new discussion! You can follow the link below :)

Last but not least, help us spread the movement! This is just the start of a new era, and we need as much help as possible to spread the world about Set It Down.

Share the love on our latest posts on Instagram, pin our content on Pinterest, or be part of our Facebook community!

Welcome to the Set It Down movement!

A movement of setting down our technology.
A movement of being adventurous with our minds again.
A movement to have conversations at the dinner table.
A movement to set down our phones the second we walk into our house.

Let's disconnect to reconnect. The time is now. 

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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